Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pick up the Ball and Run

Missouri's problems are no different today than those of any other state. A shrinking budget has hampered the efforts of the various agencies to do their jobs and in many instances has forced them to cutback. This doesn't mean the work doesn't need to be done, just that it falls on someone else to pick up the ball and run with it.
What this means is like if we were all members of a basketball team and the stars have suffered a series of injuries. Now its time for you and I to get off the bench and score for the home team.
The Missouri Coalition for the Evironment has just this past week filed a lawsuit against the EPA to force them to take over responsibilities for monitering water quality in many streams in the state. This would normally be done by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources if they had the ability, however they don't presently have the manpower or the facilities available because they don't have the money. And knowing enough about both the government and our legal system I believe that the Coalitions law suit, though maybe a step in the right direction, is simply an exercise in futility. During the time this suit is slugging it's way through the system nothing constructive is getting done. Just the thought of trying to force the EPA's beauracracy to move brings a knot to my stomach.
We should not let this time be lost. The fight for evironmental improvement is like a tug of war match. If you ain't pulling on the rope all the time then you're headed for the mud pit buddy.
We as private citizens simply have to take over where the government is stalling. And fortunately we have groups that can coach us in just what to do and how to do it. Check out the home page of the Coalition for the Environment these are good people. Donate to Missouri River Relief whose link is listed on this site. But another way is to go to the Missouri Dept. of Conservation site: . Here you can find out how to help in many different ways.
Maybe you are unable to lug a trash bag through the mud, or don't have the money to donate to one of the environmental groups. That doesn't mean you are helpless. Can you take a water sample? Can you help spread the word about the needs of our watersheds? Can you simply, with their help, educate yourself. So that when you are sitting in the coffee shop talking to your friends, you can offer encouragement and enlightened conversation to others.
Getting the word out about our environmental needs is as important as stuffing trash in a bag. Learning what we as individuals can do is far more constructive than sitting back and waiting for the EPA or the DNR or any of the other big players to recover and renew their efforts.
Please take a moment and find out in what ways you are suited to help. Everyone has different abilities but the job at hand is so large that we need you all.
Thank you,

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